Recent Trends for Development of Egogram from Psychological Point of View Download PDF

Journal Name : SunText Review of Neuroscience & Psychology

DOI : 10.51737/2766-4503.2024.073

Article Type : Short commentary

Authors : Bando H and Yokoyama T

Keywords : Tokyo University Egogram (TEG); Transactional analysis (TA); Egogram; Psychological well-being (PWB); Satisfaction with life (SWL)


From psychological point of view, recent trends for transactional analysis (TA), egogram, Tokyo University Egogram (TEG) and related topics will be described. Since TA contributes much for human happiness, the United Kingdom Association for Transactional Analysis (UKATA) has established novel programs and specialist system as the Provisional Teaching and Supervising Transactional Analyst (PTSTA). By the involvement of TA, people can come to know personality traits, deal with problem-solving strategies and obtain psychological well-being (PWB) and satisfaction with life (SWL). Thus, TA can provide people inreased self-esteem and emotional regulation, as well as a measure of authentic self-expression, leading to happiness.

Commentary Article

From psychological point of view, recent trends for transactional analysis (TA), egogram and related topics will be described. TA trainees were studied by the questionnaire for psychological well-being (PWB) and satisfaction with life (SWL) [1]. As a result, 200 trainees showed the higher score for PWB and SWL, suggesting positive efficacy of training experience of TA. As practical and cognitive aspects, personality structure and managing resolution measures have been important. For these actual activities, TEG has been beneficial for problem-solving strategies [2].

In psychological history, the novel concept of TA theory was initiated in 1950s. Successively, European Association for Transactional Analysis (EATA) has introduced the psychometric batteries and their developments [3]. Well-known questionnaires included ESPERO 2000, Script Questionnaire, Drivers questionnaire, and Joines Personality Adaptation Questionnaire (JPAQ). These inventories were useful for selecting applicable measure and integrating the psychosomatic practices. In addition, such batteries could help patients to provide self-insight recognition, notice themselves psychosomatic changes and give certain feedback to the therapist in charge.

TA has been one of the psychotherapy and counseling measures for long, which can deal with human relationships for family, profession and other time place and occasion [4]. TA has included integrated coherent and systematic approach and add some contemporary theory, research and practice. Thus, theoretical aspect and actual practice have undergone progressive changes over the years for adapting the current situations. The results of Tokyo University Egogram (TEG) may give the adequate judgement and resolution perspectives including each personality and human relation. As regards to TEG ver3, the usefulness has been evaluated and the standardization approach has been conducted for international application [5]. The statistical analysis showed the validity, reliability and internal consistency of the diagnostic tool. Then, it can be used for a new and practical beneficial tool for personality psychology as well as approaches of schema therapy.

The novel egogram inventory has been developed in the language of Portuguese in Brazil [6]. For the evaluation of ego states, the investigation for new psychological battery was conducted within TA theory. The study involved the participation of 295 volunteers of both sexes, aged between 18 and 70 years. Exploratory factor analyses indicated an instrument in Portuguese consisting of 37 items adequately characterised in six factors: Critical Parent (CP), Nurturing Parent (NP), Adult (A), Free Child (FC), Adapted Child – Submissive (ACS), and Adapted Child - Rebellious (ACR). The result is a useful measure for investigation and mapping of ego states for application with individuals.

Recently, everyone evaluates human relationship more important. However, a variety of stressors have become crucial problems. Then psychosomatic management has been necessary to solve problems, and adequate association has been expected for the workers. The United Kingdom Association for Transactional Analysis (UKATA) has been established and planned some educational programs [7]. Furthermore, new specialist in psychosomatic region was born as the Provisional Teaching and Supervising Transactional Analyst (PTSTA).

Among several reliable psychological inventory for evaluation of personality traits, TEG has been highly applied for not only medical region, but also educational and economical areas [8]. TEG was used for peer support program for senior high school students. They are regularly answering the psychological inventory, that is Adaptation Scale for School Environments on Six Spheres (ASSESS) [9]. Beneficial efficacy was found for interpersonal relationship, increased self-esteem, mental health and improved adaptation to school environment.

Evaluationg human ego has been beneficial for young generation [10]. The protocol included young people (n=400) who were divorced youth during recent 2 years. The method showed several psychological inventories, such as the Ego strength scale (ESS), differentiation of self inventory and irrational beliefs questionnaire. As a result, one can suggest the desire for remarriage of divorced people by the data of self-differentiation. Similarly, the data from ego strength can bring the prediction of remarriage with significant difference (p<0.01).

Regarding egogram, latest topic and future direction would be the recognition of subjective well-being (SWB) and satisfaction with life (SWL) by the application of egogram inventory [11]. By previous reports, sociodemographic variables show relationships with the degree of SWB and negative loneliness feeling, which are usually influenced by the gender, health, age, working condition, unstable home situation and deprivation level. For instance, reduction degree of SWB and feeling loneliness reveal relationship with worse health, unemployment and increased deprivation [12]. From some investigation, feeling incidence for loneliness would be elevated with aging process and with SWB for U-shaped curve situation for economically high-income countries [13]. When the degree of SWB will be evaluated, we can use 4 single inquiries, and analyze the scales 0-10 points by applying guidance measurement [14]. The evaluated factors are happiness, anxiety, life satisfaction and life being worthwhile. In addition to these main markers, the fifth factor will become the degree of loneliness that seems to be negative element. From mentioned above, current trends will be recommended for clarifying the present mental situation as well as egogram balance for patients and clients in need.    

From psychological aspect, satisfaction with life (SWL) is also a crucial factor. When the degree of SWL is higher, SWB will be increased and loneliness will be decreased [12]. SWL degree is not necessarily related with gender difference of male/female, because previous results showed equivocal [15]. If the result of egogram shows the situation of somewhat depression, anxiety, or stressful life, psychologist can advise the case for creative works in the daily life. In such case, art therapy is recommended, because it will provide increased self-esteem and emotional regulation, as well as a measure of authentic self-expression [16]. It is the engagement in the art therapeutic activity that can contribute the improvement of anxiety, depression and stressful situation [17]. It will contribute the improvement of SWL, SWB, and social human connection [18]. Furthermore, these creative activities will provide people psychological stability and sensation of happiness.

In summary, recent beneficial information as to TA, egogram, TEG and related perspectives are described in this report. We hope that egogram will contribute human SWB, SWL and happiness in the future.

Conflicts of interest: Author declares there are no conflicts of interest.

Funding: None. 


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