Multiple Sclerosis as a Cause of Disturbances in the Activity of the Heart and Brain; the Role of Glycine and N-Acetylcysteine in the Treatment and Prevention of these Conditions in the Elderly Using Resonance Therapy Download PDF

Journal Name : SunText Review of Medical & Clinical Research

DOI : 10.51737/2766-4813.2023.079

Article Type : Research Article

Authors : Victor P

Keywords : Glycine; N-Acetylcysteine; Cysteine; Multiple sclerosis; Brain; Heart; Vagus nerve; Elderly patients; Resonance therapy


This paper considers the process of occurrence of disorders in the activity of the heart and brain in the elderly as a manifestation of multiple sclerosis. Treatment and cure of multiple sclerosis with potentized drugs - Glycine and Cysteine leads to the fact that patients do not register disturbances in the activity of the heart and brain. We also understand that the treatment of multiple sclerosis can be carried out not only with Glycine and Cysteine, but also, as shown in our previous published article, with the potent drug "multiple sclerosis" [1].


Multiple sclerosis (MS) is a chronic disease in which the myelin sheath of the nerve fibers of the brain, spinal cord and peripheral nerves is affected) [1]. A feature of the disease is the simultaneous defeat of several different parts of the nervous system, which leads to the appearance of a variety of neurological symptoms in patients. The morphological basis of the disease is the formation of the so-called plaques of multiple sclerosis - foci of myelin destruction (demyelinization) of the white matter of the brain and spinal cord.


The cause of multiple sclerosis is not exactly known.

Mechanisms of disease progression

Recent studies have confirmed the mandatory participation of the immune system - primary or secondary - in the pathogenesis of multiple sclerosis. Disturbances in the immune system, as already mentioned, are associated with the peculiarities of the set of genes that control the immune response. The most widespread is the autoimmune theory of multiple sclerosis to date, multiple sclerosis cannot yet be considered a completely primary autoimmune disease. The occurrence of multiple sclerosis is associated with a random individual combination of adverse endogenous and exogenous risk factors. First of all, endogenous factors include a complex of HLA class II gene loci and, possibly, genes encoding TNF-a, which determine the genetic failure of immunoregulation. Among the external factors may be important: the area of residence in childhood, nutritional habits, the frequency of viral and bacterial infections, etc. In an organism that has a genetically determined failure of the regulatory systems of immunity, the activation of the immune system occurs - by trauma, a stressful situation. In this case, the antigen of nonspecific provoking factors, for example, a viral infection - stimulated macrophages and activated T-helpers are fixed on the endothelial cells of the blood-brain barrier (BBB). Cytokines secreted by fixed cells express on the surface of the BBB the major histocompatibility complex class I and II antigens (for antigen presentation), as well as cell adhesion molecules.

Clinical manifestations of multiple sclerosis

Clinical manifestations of multiple sclerosis are associated with focal lesions of the heart, several different parts of the brain and spinal cord, and other organs. Frequent symptoms of multiple sclerosis are violations of the functions of the pelvic organs: imperative urges, increased frequency, retention of urine and stool, in later stages - incontinence. Incomplete emptying of the bladder is possible, which is often the cause of a urological infection. Some patients may experience problems associated with sexual function, which may coincide with dysfunction of the pelvic organs or be an independent symptom. According to H.Livins et al. (1976), changes in sexual life occur in 91% of men with multiple sclerosis and 72% of women. In 70% of patients, symptoms of visual impairment are detected: a decrease in visual acuity of one or both eyes, a change in visual fields, the appearance of scotomas, blurred images of objects, loss of vision brightness, color distortion, contrast disturbance. In the process of aging, degeneration of various organs occurs. Exceptionally often, such degeneration is associated with the process of demyelination of the nerves that control this function. Such neurological degeneration can be local - in one nerve, or it can be multiple - in two or more nerves, up to a very significant number of nerve formations. Thus, cardiac arrhythmia in the elderly is often associated with the process of degeneration of the vagus nerve due to demyelination.

Resonance therapy

Resonance was discovered by GaleleoGalelei in 1604 [2]. The resonance can be most clearly described as follows. A platoon of soldiers approaches a wooden bridge and the officer gives the command to go out of step because if a platoon of soldiers crosses the wooden bridge in step, the bridge may collapse from resonance. The vibrations of the bridge will coincide with the vibrations of the marching soldiers, a resonance will arise, from which the bridge will collapse. In this review, the role of the bridge is "played" by the disease, and the role of marching soldiers is "performed" by the therapeutic effect. The commander of the soldiers did not want the bridge to collapse due to possible resonance. The doctor, by contrast, absolutely needs a resonance to destroy the disease. Resonance methods for studying matter have found wide application in physics, chemistry, biology, and medicine. For example, Nuclear Magnetic Resonance (NMR). At the end of the 20th century, magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) was developed on the basis of NMR. It is used to obtain images of the human brain, heart, and digestive tract organs. For the development of MRI in 2003, the American biophysicist Paul Lauterbur and his English colleague Peter Monsfield were awarded the Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine. In 1975, the German physician Frank Morell came to the quite logical conclusion that if a disease of the organs of the human body is inevitably accompanied by disturbances in their frequency rhythm, then the essence of treatment should be to suppress the “unhealthy” fluctuations that have arisen and restore normal ones. Vegetative resonance test - ART, originally proposed in 1991 by the German scientist G. Schimmel, allows one-point examination [3]. Testing only one biologically active point by him makes it possible to assess the state of not only all organs and systems, but also their interconnections. A device for bioresonance therapy based on a computer was created, which included both diagnostic and therapeutic parts. In a modern device for bioresonance therapy there is a large selector with diagnostic (they are also therapeutic) markers, information copies of diseases, which are called "nosodes" when it comes to the disease and "organ preparations" - information copies of healthy organs when the doctor deals with normal, not pathological organs or their parts. "Nosodes" are needed for the identification and treatment of diseases, and "organ preparations" for testing perfectly healthy organs or parts of them. Nosodes are electronic markers about a disease and "organ preparations" - information markers about a healthy organ or its part, recorded on a specific medium. Each test drug exerts a wave effect on the patient. It is necessary to restore the spectral (frequency) harmony in the patient. Original test preparations (unlike their informational copies) are material objects, i.e. specific substances with their own atomic and molecular structure.

Resonance of destruction

Diagnosis using destruction resonance

In the activity of a doctor applying bioresonance therapy, a process takes place using modern technologies. First, a diagnosis is made. To do this, the nosode of the alleged disease is displayed on the computer screen connected to the device for bioresonance therapy and it is tested in the patient. If the nosode is “not tested”, then there is no resonance and the arrow on the computer screen does not fall down in the middle of the screen. Therefore, the patient does not have the disease that is displayed by the nosode. In the same case, if the nosode is being tested, there is a resonance between the patient and the test drug - the arrow on the computer screen falls and indicates that the patient has the disease, the name of which is the nosode. This is a diagnostic resonance, but not a therapeutic one. This is how resonance diagnostics is carried out in bioresonance therapy.

Treatment using the destruction resonance

To treat a detected disease, the doctor must destroy either the tumor or the infectious process with the help of resonance, and for this it is necessary to potentiate the nosode detected in the patient, i.e. to find that potency of the nosode that will cause resonance with the pathological process in the patient and destroy the disease, in other words, therapeutic resonance is needed. To do this, find that potency of the nosode (usually high), which leads to the fact that when testing this nosode in a patient, the fall of the arrow stops. Such a potency of the nosode leads to a resonant destruction of the structures of the disease. In other words, the informational content of the nosode in a certain potency is used for the resonant destruction of the structure of the disease, namely the treatment of the disease found. The doctor writes the informational content of the potentiated nosode on a sugar grain and the patient takes this sugar grain and is thus treated, i.e. there is a resonant destruction of the structure of the disease. The use of only extremely low potencies for the treatment of various diseases of bioresonance therapy did not allow and does not allow to effectively treat many diseases, including oncological diseases, many infectious diseases, etc. In other words, for many years there has been a crisis in bioresonance therapy, but, thus, and in general in resonant medicine. When it is said that drugs that exceed the LM potency of drugs are used in the works, they mean those potencies that are prepared electronically [4-15]. Since 2016, materials have been published on the use of high potency drugs for treatment [4-15]. It was found that drugs of high and ultra-high potencies do not cause any side effects, including toxic effects on sick and healthy people. But high potency preparations proved to be extremely effective in the treatment of severe and extremely severe diseases such as cancer, infectious diseases, including HIV, stones and cysts in organs [4-15]. In particular, metastatic forms of oncology are effectively treated. It has been established that all those forms of oncological diseases that are in the selector of the device for bioresonance therapy are effectively treated with drugs of high and ultra-high potencies. Treatment of patients with drugs of nosodes exceeding the LM potency (hereinafter - in the F-potency) was not an end in itself. This method was found in medical practice. So, resonance medicine includes resonance diagnostics and resonance therapy. The treatment of patients in which the destruction of the structure of the disease occurs, for example, oncology, is called "destruction resonance".

Resonance of creation

Since 2016, materials have been published on the use of the second direction of therapeutic resonance - the "resonance of creation" [4-15]. Resonance can not only destroy, for example, diseases, but also create lost biological structures. This made it possible to treat degenerative diseases. We have not been able to find in the scientific literature an idea that resonance can be not only a “resonance of destruction”, but also a “resonance of creation”. This is obviously due to the fact that it is not easy to imagine how the coincidence of frequencies leads to a response that is not destructive, but creative. In this review, we have presented illustrations of how resonance can be not only destructive, but also constructive, in particular for the treatment of degenerative diseases. In the treatment with the resonance of destruction, the nosodes of diseases were used, from which preparations were prepared in the F potency. This principle has not been effective for the treatment of degenerative diseases. The creation and formation of the principle of "resonance of creation" became possible only as a result of the fact that not nosodes were used for treatment, but oranopreparations exceeding the LM potency. Without organ preparations in F potency, it is impossible to imagine the use of this principle. This review presents materials related to the treatment of degenerative diseases and, in particular, multiple sclerosis. This means that treatment is nothing but the process of restoring organs or organ systems that have undergone changes as a result of diseases or as a result of the senile degenerative process. Degenerative diseases can also be congenital. It is clear that a significant part of congenital diseases is the result of underdevelopment of an organ or organ system. In practice, most often after a disease, for example, inflammation or as a result of the senile process, the level of health of the organ drops until it is destroyed. Such an organ requires restoration (rehabilitation). The resonance of creation makes it possible to restore an organ or part of it. Organ preparations are wave preparations (wave copies) of healthy organs or their parts. Nosodes are wave preparations of the disease. There are various organ preparations in the selectors of hardware and software complexes for bioresonance therapy. For the restoration and rehabilitation of organs, we used organ preparations, mainly of high potencies. They were made in exactly the same way as high potency nosodes.

Treatment of multiple sclerosis (MS) by the resonance of creation

After testing, resonance diagnostics, nosode and organ preparations, treatment is carried out using the resonance of destruction and resonance of creation of RS. Corresponding preparations are prepared from the tested nosode and organ preparations. They are recorded on sugar grains in the potency that is necessary for treatment and resonant treatment of patients is carried out. It is now known that in multiple sclerosis, not only the myelin sheath of the nerves, but also the axial cylinder of the nerves itself can suffer. That is why testing is carried out in patients not only for the state of the myelin sheath, but also for the axial cylinder. And in the event that degeneration of the axial cylinder of the nerves is detected, its restoration is also carried out by the method of resonance of creation (Figures 1-2)

Figure 1: An electrocardiogram of an elderly patient, Mr., 80 years old, suffering from multiple sclerosis, who has an arrhythmia in the activity of the heart.