Article Type : Research Article
Authors : Xu R, Wu Y, Wu W and Yu G
Keywords : Research; Developing; Finance; Statement; Economic; Scholar; Behavior; Judgement; Journal; Sustainably; Field; Cutting edge
The China GDP (Gross domestic product) has
developed near times recently, so the practical meaning should be discussed
throughout for our scholars to consider and make absolutely to go on
maintaining its complexion. Maybe after seven years China could realize its
modernization to occupy the top one position to wield its effectiveness in the
world. At the same time the recruiting working can offer many opportunities to
progress the schedule in order to affect its effectiveness and proceed many
explorations like quantum computer’s study and high technique’s AI (artificial
intelligence) programme and equipment. Only using both of them would we make
our nationality to realize modernization of China economic complexion which has
become this study’s destination? We should continuously and frequently put our
study to the sustainable research on Chinese GDP &cutting edge technique up
raising with sustainability. The scholar’s publication with their behaviour and
judgement will be accepted and released by journal editors therein the research
content can exhibit in hard-copy and soft-copy for exposing cutting edge
technique research activity which may imply the current and future’s research
direction and content for us to consider and find. Therefore we should realize
and be aware that point whose efforts can last long time as for the scholar and
researcher’s activity like conference and publication in famous summit and
journal. The conference and journal volume can be issued the cutting edge
content and technique knowledge and experience which reflects many sides of
current research directions.
The China Provinces GDP have increased recently ten
times so that the detail discussions can be done in order to ordinarily know
the reason and future forecast. As we know China has accelerated its developing
step from 1993 to 2011 so what the ultimate factor is will affect the future
situation among each economic community. Since China has enough elasticity to
recover its big economic community the economic developing speed has approached
American before COVID (Corona virus disease)-19 pandemic happened. But now
Russia-Ukraine conflict and Palestine-Israel conflict even Syrian conflict
happened the world economic complexion has occurred some. The America and Nato
(North atlantic treaty organization) is able to acquire big military fee from
them so that the America and Europe will continue to maintain their advantage
in world as well. It has been a period to develop China economic level to
continue complete progression for the sake of overwhelming American economic
entity. Maybe after more than seven years China has to exceed USA becoming No.
one occupation [1-6].
We should stabilize to push our many policies to
complete setting target sustainably and continuously so many innovative
technologies will be owned and developed for leading to world economic situation.
We still have much things to proceed like infrastructure, generator, vehicle
making etc. projects to do attained a higher level and capacity. So we still
demand many scientists to make their contribution to our modernization
promotion. The recruiting high technological scientists have to be maintained
our scientific leading innovation. It can pay much time and endeavour to finish
that aim continuously. So that much endeavour should be put for realizing our
modernization sustainably that will be through our efforts to practise
definitely and absolutely. We should realize and be aware that point whose
efforts can last long time as for the scholar and researcher’s activity like
conference and publication in famous summit and journal. The conference and journal
volume can be issued the cutting edge content and technique knowledge and
experience which reflects many sides of current research directions.
Top six main country GDP
The six big one’s GDP list could exhibit in Table 1
whose value attains 21.3~5.0 trillion dollars by America, China, Japan in 2019
respectively (Table 1).
At the same time the China would reach 12.3% with the
highest speed rate within 2017~2019 and the India arrives 3.8% speed rate with
the third speed rate while the America retains 5.4% increase rate occupied the
second one on the whole. The America and China one occupied 34.9 trillion
dollars totally which dominates 71.5% in those six main communities. On the
other hand the China and Japan difference will arrive 9.6 trillion dollars
which explains the second one’s economic communities revives rapidly and the
third one is limited resource by the badly processing trade [1]. The Britain,
France has recorded the seventh~eighth position with 2.7~2.6 trillion dollars
while Canada, Korea attains thirteenth one with 1.7~1.6 trillion dollars
accordingly in (Table 2). On the other hand, the Canada has retained 6.2% y-o-y
highest speed rate while the Italy remains -5% y-o-y in 2019-2017. In addition,
the Brazil attains 1.9 trillion dollars in 2017.
India & China top five provinces GDP comparison
The Guangdong, Shandong can dominate the first~second
GDP in 2016 with the highest 16.2~8.2 trillion yuan whose y-o-y attains the
highest 185%~95% respectively according to (Table 3). On the other side the
Zhejiang can indicate 3.4 trillion yuan whilst the Henan indicates 2.8 trillion
yuan in 2011. On the contrary the India GDP could afford 16.2 trillion yuan
whose value may reach Guangdong province one in 2016 with y-o-y 26.6% [2].
mechanics industry general product
The agricultural mechanics industry general product has been displayed in Figure 1 where the tendency is about to raise gradually from 280 to 395 billion RMB in 2010~2014. Meanwhile the times with 2014~2010 will arrive 1.4 ones. The increase speed ratio may approach 4% within 2014 and 2013 (Figure 1).
Figure 1: Agricultural mechanics industry general product in China.
Singapore & China
cities GDP comparison
The Singapore and Shanghai would lead to the first and
second GDP amount with 52 billion USD~20 billion one whose y-o-y attains 13%~0%
in 1992 accordingly in light of (Table 4). Meanwhile the highest speed had been
occupied by Guangzhou and Shenzhen in turns which means their potential
economic entity will be stronger. On the other hand the deviation used here
will retain 18.0%~8.6% with the average one of 12.6%.
Graduate examination
enrolling analysis in 2025
In 2025 China graduate examination enrollment has
largely reduced 500 thousand to attain 3.88 million. However the recruiting
amount will be 1.10 million one whose examination-free amount can provide 150
thousand [2]. The China undergraduate enrollment amount may arrive 4.8 million
whose 985 university recruits about 200 thousand. In China there is the
examination-free qualified ones to be about to become 367 units. There are
other general units which is not 985 may divide the qualification enrollment of
examination-free. In general the Tsinghua and Perking university may surpass
50% while the eastern China five units can surpass 40% and only 5% is for
general colleges.
CAFTA 3.0 (China-ASEAN Free
Trade Area)
It will introduces new areas of cooperation as
following in China-Asean trade. 1. digital and green economy; 2. supply chain
connectivity; 3. competition and consumer protect &MSMEs(micro, small and
medium-sized enterprises) [7]. Meanwhile the cornerstone FTA(Free Trade
Agreement) upgrade set to be signed in 2025. The new version to deepen
commitments in existing areas as following. 1. customers procedures and trade
facilitation; 2. standard, technical regulations &conformity assessment procedures;
3. sanitary & phytosanitary; At the same time, the agenda would propose as
below. 1. pandemic posed challenges to global trade; 2. negotiations to upgrade
CAFTA launched in 2021; 3. agreed in 2024, and to be signed in 2025. The
history of it would be as following. 1. first FTA for China; 2. First FTA for
ASEAN with external partner; 3. signed in 2002. The first upgraded in 2014 and
signed in 2015 has improved upon rules of origin, the customers procedures and
trade facilitation, investment, economic and technical cooperation market
access for services. On the other side the total investment amount between
China and BRI partner countries reached 380 billions USD [8].
futures exchange in China
The five futures exchange will reduce relevant
procedure fee from 2025 where it includes Shanghai Exchange Dalian Commodity
Exchange Zhenzhou Commodity Exchange Guagzhou Futures Exchange China financial
Futures Exchange [9]. Meanwhile the three aspects for promoting futures is
proposing as following. 1. reduce market participant exchange cost; 2. promote
futures market develop healthily; 3. afford more excellent risky management
service for entity economy. In 2023 China digital economic key industry had enhanced
value to be breakthrough 12 trillion yuan occupied GDP rate 9.9%.
In order to reduce futures exchange cost and enhance
its benefit the general regulation and risky control has to process necessarily
and urgently for our investors &operation dealer to transact easily and
beneficially. AI futures diagnosis tool can be used to predict its developing
tendency for being more fast and precise which can bring out many chances of
academy analysis and publisher calling for papers
It will is joined by China Academy of Science which
includes as following analysis for the sake of creating precise research
knowledge service. 1. 120 million domestic &oversea website; 2. 0.6 billion
domestic &oversea academic articles; 3. 1.2 billion article with full text
linkage; 4. 300 department’s research direction; 5. 4 million domestic
&oversea scholar main block; 6. 10,000 Chinese academic journals; 7.3
million research &development theme words [10]. To call for Papers and
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The AI technique speed etc. Cutting edge one has
developed more rapidly than expectation, so that we need to control with stably
developed speed. The scholars like PhD, postdoctoral one &scientist can
solve the technological knowledge and experience through their accumulated one
so they can provide important role with designing and producing product like
atomic bomb etc. high technological field whose leading effectiveness is proven
by us frequently. There are many doctor graduated from American famous
university can resolve the theoretical formula in order to simulate the atomic
force network which may provide an important information and message before we
process manufacturing procedure so it may indicate the general size in light of
force which affords us the general design parameters usefully. Whereby we can
avoid many times experiment even producing course deviation which may save many
people labour and lots of expense. On the other hand the economic income for
general man may attain through spending financial expense like recent golden
price which can be affected through stabilizing world political situation, once
there is war etc. accident it will indicate under controlling price increase
which may bring out many chances by gambler like American &European
organization. Thereby we must appropriately control economy even technique’s
rapider forwards speed from all of our efforts at all within our destination.
Thereby we should realize and be aware that point whose efforts can last long
time as for the scholar and researcher’s activity like conference and
publication in famous summit and journal. The conference and journal volume can
be issued the cutting edge content and technique knowledge and experience which
reflects many sides of current research directions.