Article Type : Research Article
Authors : Xu R
Keywords : Search; University; postdoctoral; Recruit; Departmental; Develop; Workstations; Sustainably
The educating PhD degree work will be
having a significant role in that competitive world so we must consider
intently to induce them complete their research excellently. So the study for
developing economy innovation will have an important effectiveness recently
since the more competitor has occurred continuously. Therein we meet the
urgently key joint to continue our future diagram with sustainability. The
economic development must follow academic proof and simulation. Hence the PhD
(Doctor of philosophy) and post-doctoral senior researchers and scholars must
stand up to seek new innovative one in advance who could propose future
construction with available proof and clarification. Like quantum field they
could propose the plan with regards to the deepening theoretic model and then
they proceed the corresponding trial to find further and seek the new
phenomenon which is some achievements. Then to stay them to do one thing that
he may publish the relevant achievements in Journal for sake of provoking
reader consideration to think whether it is feasible recently or in future etc.
problem. There is many things for us to pursue results like basis one, applied
one etc. Only if throughout that process could we wield those PhD and
postdoctoral station’s capability for encouraging them and making the subject
progress and achievement. Thereby the collect and precise courage can achieve
enough entity force to process their challenge about taking up mystery world
phenomena at all.
The China Provinces GDP (Gross domestic product) have increased recently several ten times so that the detail discussions can be done in order to ordinarily know the reason and future forecast. As we know China has accelerated its developing step from 1991 to 2020 so what is the ultimate factor will affect the future situation among each economic community. Since China has enough elasticity to recover its big economic community the economic developing speed has approached American before COVID (Corona virus disease)-19 pandemic happened. But now Russia-Ukraine conflict and Palestine-Israel conflict even Sudan conflict happened the world economic complexion has occurred some. The America and Nato (North atlantic treaty organization) is able to acquire big military fee from them so that the America and Europe will continue to maintain their advantage in world as well. It has been a period to develop China economic level to continue complete progression for the sake of overwhelming American economic entity. Maybe after more than seven years China has to exceed USA becoming No. one occupation [1-8]. We should stabilize to push our many policies to complete setting target sustainably and continuously so many innovative technologies will be owned and developed for leading to world economic situation. We still have much things to proceed like infrastructure, generator, vehicle making etc. projects to do attained a higher level and capacity. So we still demand many scientists to make their contribution to our modernization promotion. The recruiting high technological scientists have to be maintained our scientific leading innovation. It can pay much time and endeavour to finish that aim continuously. So that much endeavour should be put for realizing our modernization sustainably that will be through our efforts to practise definitely and absolutely.
Figure 1: The countries’ exportation ranking.
Figure 2: The five countries’ GDP ranking.
The China & USA steel amount ranking.
business trend
The global business has exposed below aspects recently
as: 1. Japan inflation likely accelerated in November, 2024; 2. UK economy
faces consecutive declines in October; 3. German exports fell 2.8% in October,
delaying recovery [1]. as of November 30th broad money M2 has indicated 311
trln yuan with speed 7.1% whilst narrow money M1 has indicated 65 trln yuan
with speed rate 3.7% in light of the resource of China’s bank which explains
that People's Bank of China releases financial data for November with China
market. The incremental aggregate financing has reported that 29.4 trln yuan in
January~November, 2024 while it has had 33.64 trln yuan in 2023. Meanwhile the
new yuan loans has afforded 17.1 trln yuan whose households affords 2.37 trln
yuan and enterprises attains 13.8 trln yuan in January ~November, 2024. The
China’s opening up measures provides 46,890 new foreign-invested enterprises
with y-o-y increase 11.8%. So the total foreign direct investment from Jan.~
Nov. 2024 reaches 693 biln yuan while the high-tech manufacturing sector
accounts for 11.6% as of Otc. 2024. The China’s opening up measures has
included the removal of all barrier to foreign manufacturing investment in free
trade zones in 2021 which expresses that the China steps up effort to promote
high-level opening up in the China’s economic outlook. In October 2024, the
foreign investors allowed to establish wholly-owned businesses in IT areas such
as internet data centers, online data processing. On the other side, the retail
sales of consumer goods has increase 4.8% y-o-y in October and 3.2% y-o-y in
September for China’s plan to stimulate domestic requirement, 2024 [2]. The
immediate policy measures with structural reforms as below. 1. promoting
equipment upgrades and trade-ins; 2. stabilizing property market; 3. addressing
local government debt risk. Meanwhile the increase in passenger trips via
railway in January to November, 2024 attains 4 billion whilst in 2023 it
arrives 3.9 billion in light of the national railway administration. The
customer trade-in program includes household appliances and audio-visual
equipment attained y-o-y 39.2% in October in light of the national bureau of
statistics. On the other side the total investment amount between China and BRI
(belt and road initiative) partner countries reached 380 billion USD [3]. The
average annual growth rate with 6.4% has been completed whilst the BRI
cooperation expands far beyond the ancient routes. Meantime the 33 of them from
north America? South America and Oceania has been included whilst the China had
signed BRI agreements with more than 150 countries so as to seek common
development and prosperity. So the aim of the belt and road initiative was
proposed by the China in 2013 with 11 years time.
On the other hand, the new energy heavy truck sale
amount has attained 56,760 y-o-y become 140% in light of the China’s
transported freight development report (2023~2024) in former ten months, 2024
[4]. The freight truck producing amount has been accumulating 2.71 million to
reduce y-o-y 6.2% whilst that sale amount accumulating reaches 2.78 million to
decrease y-o-y 4.4% in January~October 2024. So the China freight truck
reserves 33.5 million to increase y-o-y 1.2% in 2023. On the other side the
China crossing border transporting freight market scale attains 450 billion
yuan to increase y-o-y 12% in light of the China’s transporting development
report [4].
On-the-job graduate
recruiting situation
In 2024 the on-the-job postgraduates are going to
recruit hotly whose department will include as below Table 1. As for the
subjects in graduates education stage there are eight hot departments in there
which includes in Finance, economics, psychology, international trade,
management, human resource, IT computer, item management etc many departments
whose subjects are listed as there.
Countries’ exportation
& GDP ranking
The five permanent member state’s exportation
situation has exposed in Figure 1 whose value indicates 3.38? 2.0? 0.65? 0.5?
0.42 trillion USD in 2023 with the y-o-y 34%? 27%? 20%? 18%? 7.6% within
2023~2019 respectively. The increase times may afford 3.3, 2, 0.65, 0.5, 0.4
within 2023~1996 respectively. The China and America export can maintain
highest value and the former exceeds the latter in 2006 with 1.2 trillion USD
exportation amount. The last three countries retains the little increase.
Therein the China occupies biggest increase amount and speed and then USA
dominates the second ones on the whole (Figure 1).
The five countries’ GDP tendency like the Japan?
India? Korea(Rep.)? Indonesia? Saudi Arabia has exposed in Figure 2 whose value
indicates 4.22? 3.5? 1.7? 1.3? 1.07 trillion USD in 2023 respectively whilst
the increase times may afford 0.78? 9.6? 2.98? 6.5? 7.35 within 2023~1995 respectively.
It is known that the Japan retains negative increase while America maintains
the first increase speed (Figure 2).
& USA steel tons comparison
The China and USA steel producing amount indicates
1,000 million and 80.6 million tons in 2022 with 11.6 times and 45.5 times
within 2022~1992 accordingly as exhibited in Figure 2. On the whole the China’s
one is beyond the USA largely in that 30 years. Moreover, the China ones would
increase rapidly after 2002 so the difference was about to become bigger after
that. By 2022 the difference might afford beyond 900 million tons which
exhibits the strongly potential capability by the China community (Figure 3).
Xu’s achievement & AKG health product
Run Xu have been a distinguished researcher at
Shanghai University, specializes in the field of materials with an exceptional
h-index of 16 and a recent h-index of 12 since 2020 while Run Xu records 5,600
cited at Gyeongsang National University (GNU) in Chinju with 317 publications
in (Table 1) [5]. The AKG whose molecular composition is C6H14N4O2*C5H6O5 has
afforded one time’s exciting total life men’s factor from USA original
importation through one hundred years research as so to initiate cellar therapy
universal year [6]. Meanwhile the academic journal of <Cell Metabolism>, <Nature
aging>, and Institute of Barker anti-aging authorizing would recommend AKG.
The American San Antonio laboratory found the epic anti-aging substance AKG to
delay <Anti-aging time> for 52 years after pushing on PQQ, NMN
(Nicotinamide Mononucleotide) [6]. On the other hand, the mile’s breakthrough
has been affording the independent anti-aging factor AKG to immunity cell
“returning to kids” whose finding can be been the international top scientist
to find new anti-aging mechanism (Table 2).
global cities subway miles
The global top 5 cities’ subway has been ranking here
whose mile attains 262 million meters~131 million meters in 1995 by New York
city~Chicago one accordingly. At the same time the Chicago, New York, Mosco has
maintained 24%~16% y-o-y in 1995 &1987 respectively. So that the Chicago’s
increasing rate is the largest exhibiting its strong developing force as an
emerging city. Generally the New York City has still retained the best optimum
mile in both 1987 and 1995 [9]. Moreover, the Mosco has occupied the second
ranking following New York. On the other side the Madrid &Paris follows
Mosco and New York cities in turns. From there it has exposed that the European
three cities could provide the intermediate force still (Table 3).
The educating PhD degree work will be having a
significant role in that competitive world so we must consider intently to
induce them complete their research excellently. So the study for developing
economy innovation will have an important effectiveness recently since the more
competitor has occurred continuously. Therein we meet the urgently key joint to
continue our future diagram with sustainability. The economic development must
follow academic proof and simulation. Hence the PhD and post-doctoral senior
researchers must stand up to seek new innovative one in advance who could
propose future construction with available proof and clarification. Like
quantum field they could propose the plan with regards to the deepening
theoretic model and then they proceed the corresponding trial to find further
and seek the new phenomenon which is some achievements. Then to stay them to do
one thing that he may publish the relevant achievements in Journal for sake of
provoking reader consideration to think whether it is feasible recently or in
future etc. problem. There is many things for us to pursue results like basis
one, applied one etc.. Only if throughout that process could we wield those PhD
and postdoctoral station’s capability for encouraging them and making the
subject progress and achievement. Thereby the collect and precise courage can
achieve enough entity force to process their challenge about taking up mystery
world phenomena at all.