Article Type : Research Article
Authors : Myjkowski J
Keywords : Sound wave; Basilar membrane; Natural vibrations; Resonance
Humanity has been wondering about the
mechanisms of hearing for over 2,000 years. Many theories have been developed
trying to solve this problem. The organ of hearing is still the only sense
organ that is not fully understood.
Humanity has been wondering about the mechanisms of
hearing for over 2,000 years. Many theories have been developed trying to solve
this problem. The organ of hearing is still the only sense organ that is not
fully understood. There is no doubt that the truth about hearing is different
from the one proclaimed by the orthodox theory of hearing under the name of
Bekesy's traveling wave. In order to change the seemingly erroneous status quo
in explaining the mechanisms of hearing, I propose to start an analysis of all
the circumstances that appeared after the announcement of the traveling wave
theory. A new picture of hearing is emerging, significantly different from that
described in textbooks and numerous publications. Censorship by orthodox
reviewers can no longer inhibit new knowledge about hearing. This paper
indicates the gaps in the current hearing theory and presents a new philosophy
of hearing.
Taking into account the circumstances mentioned above,
a new picture of our hearing appears, described for almost 20 years under the
name "Submolecular theory of hearing". The fundamental novelty of
this theory is the change in the signal path to the receptor. The information
received by the eardrum is transmitted to the bone casing of the cochlea
through the eardrum itself, the ossicles of the middle ear and especially the
stirrup plate. The wave travels through the cochlear bone casing at a speed of
about 4000 m/s straight to the receptor. The mechanical energy of the sound
wave is received by hair cell receptors, which are capable of receiving a very
narrow frequency band. Each neuron connected to receptor has a limited
receptive field, capable of receiving a signal of a limited frequency. At the
neuron I level, there is the possibility of temporal and spatial summation and
collateral inhibition. The quantized sound wave energy encoding information is
received without changing the information content by specialized
sound-sensitive molecules. The energy of sound wave is wave energy, so the
transmission mechanism may be based on the resonance of waves transmitted with
elements of molecules sensitive to a given frequency. The energy received by
molecules causes various changes in them. The number of possible changes is
proportional to the square of the number of atoms that make up the molecule.
For example, for a molecule consisting of 20 atoms, the number of possible
changes is 1020.
A molecule is a collection of atoms connected by bonds
of various lengths. They have different mass and different numbers of protons
and electrons. Atoms vibrate at different frequencies. Electrons in orbits give
rise to electronic energy, electrostatic energy. Dipoles are formed due to atomic
bonds. In addition to the translational motion of atomic nuclei, there is also
rotational motion. Atomic bonds create angles between bonds - valence and
rotational. Each bond, each oscillation, has its own energy, which, when added
up in the molecule, gives the molecule's own energy. Each atomic bond of
elements has a specific frequency of natural vibrations. There are 3-4 times
more bonds than atoms in molecule. The number of such atomic bonds in 1 mm3
molecule has been calculated, and there may be about 1018 of them. Each atom with n electrons has a specific
energy. Valence angles and rotational angles influence (their change) the
change in total energy. There are isolated molecule vibrations, stretching
vibrations, bending vibrations, and intermolecular vibrations. According to the law of Nature, molecule
searches for the bottom of the well, i.e. the lowest possible total energy [7].
It has the ability to emit energy in the form of photons in order to absorb the
lowest possible energy at a given temperature. A molecule that has received
energy from a sound wave (sound-sensitive molecule), has increased total
energy, tries to return to the basic energy, transferring the obtained energy
to an adjacent molecule through photon radiation, through oscillations,
vibrations or through its own conformational changes acting through contact on
the adjacent molecule. This molecule, by obtaining quantized energy originally
derived from the sound wave, creates a new conformer, capable, and thanks to
the energy received, of regulating the mechanism responsible for gating the
potassium mechanosensitive channels of the hair cell wall. The rate of energy
absorption and transfer by molecule is approximately 1015/ s. Through the open
potassium channel, 6000 K+ ions/ms pass from the endolymph into the cell,
starting the cell's depolarization. At the electronic, atomic and molecular
level, the information contained in the sound wave is transferred to the hair
cell. The work of the hair cell with the mechanism of intracellular
amplification, producing a transmitter, was discussed in the paper
"Submolecular theory of hearing" [9]. Intracellular amplification is
a whole complex of molecular factors such as: phosphorylation and
dephosphorylation of ion channels responsible for the conductivity of cell
membranes, ATP concentration, cAMP and cGMP levels, cell’s pH, osmotic
pressure, and the presence of ligands. It is related to the regulation of
calcium levels in the cell, with the work of proteins binding to calcium, where
calmodulin plays an important role, influencing the production and breakdown of
cAMP and cGMP. It activates protein kinases and phosphatases and regulates the
functioning of the calcium pump. It affects the contraction of muscle and
non-muscle cells by activating the cAMP-independent myosin light chain kinase.
Calmodulin affects exocytosis. Saturation of the 4 domains of calmodulin
increases its effect up to 10,000 times. Calmodulin, together with calcium that
changes level during stimulation, affects metabolic processes in the cell by
affecting the so-called key enzymes. The interaction of all cell organelles is
regulated. The process of enzyme production or the rate of their degradation is
regulated. Calcium is the second transmitter of information in cell, acting faster
than the other second transmitters: cAMP, cGMP, DAG, IP3, which are produced in
connection with an increase in calcium levels or activated by G-protein. The
stage of generation of second transmitters is one of several mechanisms of
intracellular amplification. One enzyme
molecule can produce several hundred second transmitters.