Article Type : Review Article
Authors : Muthuraj MSA and Janakiram S
Keywords : Periodontitis; Dental implants; Periodontally compromised tooth; Peri-implantitis
Periodontal treatment mainly focuses on the
treatment of periodontally compromised tooth. The primary objective of
periodontal treatment is regeneration of periodontium. Complete regeneration is
still a distant dream for periodontist. For both patients and practitioners, tooth
extraction is a last resort when all other treatment options fail. However, the
marketing strategies of dental implant companies have changed the scenario.
Many dentists won’t have an intention of saving the periodontally weakened
tooth. Despite saving the tooth, they focus on dental implant treatment.
Therefore a clear demarcation line should be drawn to decide at which
conditions we require periodontal therapy or implant. The above is the
objective of this review.
“The only constant in life is change” –
Heraclitus. Mankind has been making persistent attempts to replace natural body
parts that are either congenitally absent or lost subsequent to disease or
injury, so as to maintain a perfect combination of form and function. For
decades, the underlying objective of preserving natural dentition has provided
the foundation for clinical decision making in dentistry. To both patients and
practitioners, tooth extraction is a last resort when all other treatment
options fail. However, the marketing strategies of dental implant companies
have changed the scenario. Despite saving the tooth, many dentists focus on
dental implant treatment. This is particularly true while treating periodontally
compromised patients. In this article, we will discuss how to choose between
periodontal treatment and dental implants as strategies in the management of
periodontally compromised patients.
Hugoson 2008 in his long term study showed that with
increase in age there was an increase in prevalence of periodontitis of which
advanced stage of periodontitis accounted for only 10% [12]. Therefore most of
the periodontitis patients belong to mild to moderate periodontitis category,
which can be successfully managed with periodontal therapy. In untreated or
non-compliant individuals with advanced stage of periodontitis, both bone
destruction and tooth loss are inevitable.
In some individuals with advanced stage of
periodontitis, the severity of a periodontal problem is such that tooth
extraction should be considered as one of the treatment modalities to resolve
the problem. This can be evaluated through complete periodontal and
radiographic examination. These cases might include deeper pockets with complex
anatomy such as furcation’s and deep infrabony defects which show progressive
attachment loss and symptoms. Teeth with increasing bone loss on radiographs
and increasing mobility or fremitus in function, or progression to a complex
perio/endo lesion, should be extracted. We should be aware that in cases with
severe periodontal bone loss, grafting techniques may be required to facilitate
implant placement later.
In aggressive periodontititis patients showing
extensive bone loss, comprehensive periodontal treatment should be attempted
first. Refractory cases pose a problem in decision making, where elimination of
the pocket flora coupled with maintenance of remaining bone for future implants
may be the correct early treatment in extreme cases. However, in such
refractory cases not all implants and their superstructures last forever.
Recent reports indicate that implants may follow the
same survival rate as natural teeth. Thus, the risk for loss of bone support
over time seems to be roughly the same for an implant as the loss of
periodontal support for a natural tooth. On an average, root length of a tooth
is about 20 mm while the most commonly used implant is 10 mm long. Longitudinal
studies on random samples of Swedish populations have demonstrated that there
is a gradual interproximal bone height reduction of about 0.1 mm per year
around teeth [13-15]. Adell 1990 reported annual bone loss around dental
implants (after the first year with 1 mm of bone loss) to be between 0.1 and
0.2 mm. Thus, a tooth will have a prognosis better than an implant with normal
length if we simplify the assessments to amatter of distances [16].
Long-term follow-up studies have clearly demonstrated
that advanced forms of periodontal disease can be successfully treated for
arresting disease progression and minimizing or even preventing tooth loss,
provided that the patient is enrolled in a high-quality maintenance care
program after completion of active treatment and refrains from smoking [17-19].
Wennstrom in 1990, suggested that with adequate oral hygiene, regular dental
check-ups and preventive care, any patient should have a bone score of at least
50% at 70 years of age, which is more than sufficient for support [20].
Lundgren and Nyman 1975 gave a
periodontal–prosthodontic concept of bridgework for prosthetic rehabilitation
of dentitions with markedly reduced periodontal support. The above concept
contradicted the generally accepted principles for bridgework by Ante (1926).
It implies that fixed bridges can be placed and successfully maintained on a
minimal number of abutment teeth with significantly reduced periodontal
support, provided that the prosthodontic treatment is (i) preceded by adequate
periodontal treatment and (ii) followed by an effective maintenance program to
prevent recurrence of periodontitis. Therefore, before considering implant
supported dentures in periodontally compromised patients we have to evaluate
the option of tooth supported fixed partial dentures [21].
Four decades ago, the first implant was placed in
human jaws for treating complete edentulism. The scenario has gradually changed
and now we are using implants for the treatment of partially edentulous
patients as well, with single tooth replacement being most common. This is
thanks to the strategies initiated by dental implant companies, who market them
as invincible treatment options for edentulous patients. The primary question
to be asked here is, “Are all dentists trained in placing implants?”. The
answer sadly, is, ‘no.’ Implant companies cannot depend on limited specialties
practicing Implantology, as this limits their market. To overcome this, these
companies offer short term courses as a way of encouraging all dentists to
pursue implant placements. Ultimately, the patients suffer. This is because in
short term courses, one cannot expect an instructor to explain the pros and
cons of implant treatment in detail. They are obliged to focus on success and
avoid discussing failures, in order to promote implant placement.
This incomplete knowledge can be detrimental. The focus should be on
implant placement and restoration of the dentition and not just the placement of
implants for monetary gain. For this reason, implants should be placed by
dentists who are well versed in prosthodontic concepts. The implant placing
dentist should also be equipped with sufficient knowledge on how to identify
and manage complications such as peri-implantitis. These factors are all
crucial to ensure that dental implants are successful.
Lost teeth
can be replaced with tooth-supported or implant-supported reconstructions. The
latter is a treatment modality that is gradually increasing in incidence and
sometimes leads to premature extraction of teeth. However, there is significant
evidence to indicate that periodontally involved teeth can be maintained and
used to provide function for a long time. Unlike the data on teeth, our
knowledge on implant survival beyond 10 years is limited and is based on
implant systems that are no longer available. Risk factors for peri-implant
diseases have been identified and include smoking, poor oral hygiene and a
history of periodontitis. Therefore, if implant treatment is considered in
patients with periodontitis, a combined patient and site risk profile
assessment, together with a cost–benefit analysis based on patient’s
expectations, should always be performed following an extended observation
period after completion of periodontal therapy.
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